Cellufun Wiki

Campus Wars

Players choose a specialty when they begin playing Campus Wars, but they can change them at any time by visiting the dean.

Finance Major - Reduces the upkeep on all stuff.

Jock - Reduces the cost to heal at the health clinic.

Socialite - Complete events more frequently.


Abilities are the player's statistics in the game. These statistics can be increased by spending Skill Points, which are earned when the player levels up.

Charisma - Charisma contributes 50% to the player's performance when challenging others (House and Stuff takes care of the rest).

Utility - Utility contributes 50% to the player's performance when being challenged by others (House and Stuff takes care of the rest).

Initiative - Initiative points are spent on Events. Initiative replenishes over time, and instantly replenishes when the player levels up.

Mental Health - Mental Health decreases as the player challenges and is challenged by other players. When Mental Health is at 25 or below, the player cannot participate in challenges. Mental Health replenishes over time, can be replenished with the Health Clinic, and is instantly replenished when the player levels up.

Substance - Each time the player challenges another player, it costs one Substance point. Substance replenishes over time, and it instantly replenishes when the player levels up.


  • Early on, spend skill points on Substance. Substance replenishes more quickly than initiative, and a player that consistently challenges can win a lot of money and experience by doing so.
  • Have at least one Vehicle, one Charisma, and one Gear for each House Member you have. Doing so allows the player to perform much better in challenges. House members automatically use the best equipment that's available.